Proposed upcoming f2f schedules, and a bit more information

Dear IG members:

Once again, thanks again very much for a very successful meeting in Sapporo.  I think we accomplished our objectives, and have enough information for the chairs and staff contact can begin planning in accordance with your wishes.

For upcoming face to face meetings, we are proposing:

1)      A meeting in the late February timeframe on the west coast.  (Note:  the AC meeting in Cambridge March 20-22, 2016.)

2)      A meeting at TPAC next fall in Lisbon September 19-23, 2016.

We will discuss this topic with the new WG, and if anyone has any comments on the proposal, please let us know.

Also, we will have our next IG telcon at the usual 10:00AM ET US hour on November 9, 2015.

Best regards,

Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 07:33:18 UTC