Yubikey announces v4 with PKCS#11 smart card features

This is a pretty major announcement as far as Financial Services is 


Sure, it doesnt support Biometrics but by the time we are ready for Bio, 
the Bio will be ready for us.

PKCS#11 is the underlying mechanism that Government & Financial 
industries uses PIV cards as cryptographic identity.

I believe this even meets NIST/X9 standards on FIPS 2, 3, 4 certified 
device for tokenization and cryptographic operations.

I talked with their CEO Stina about this feature so I am glad they 
exposed it.

This can be used to safely assure transactions even in a compromised 
browser. It seems my security concerns of financial transactions in a 
browser are being systematically removed.

Erik Anderson

Received on Monday, 23 November 2015 22:30:10 UTC