[use-cases] Re: WPAY / use case / contributions

> On Feb 17, 2015, at 6:58 AM, VIGNET cyril <Cyril.VIGNET@bpce.fr> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> Here is a contribution with somme chartes, following our con call on use-cases.
> In the note part of each slide, I put the text present on the wiki (easier to review) in black color and some additional comments on blue color.=

Hello Cyril,

Thank you for making your comments (back in February) on the draft. Today I reviewed your documents to see whether they have been integrated into the current use cases structure. Notes below.


* I have a high-level comment about diagrams: since the Utrecht meeting there has been a move to include flow diagrams in the payment agent architecture document and not in the use cases document. I hope that you will participate in the evolving discussions of that task force about flow diagrams.

* Otherwise I believe the document covers your comments except as follows:

   -  "Choosing a payment instrument”: You mention some requirements for scheme identification. Such requirements should be part of the
      payment agent/architecture discussion.
   - "Making a payment without registering”: This is currently missing from the use cases document (even though I believe the group agreed [1] do include it). So Manu, this looks like a bug. :)

   - "Limiting payee-initiated payments”: We do not yet have use cases in the document related to stored value, or spending limits for
      merchants, or budgets. I do not know whether these will be part of the first public Working Draft. (Manu, your thoughts?)

   - “Refunds”. I have added an issue to the editor’s draft asking whether we want to include the scenario where the refund is to a different
      payment instrument than the payer initially used, in which case some notes on identity privacy are in order.

[1] https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Meeting_Summary_Feb2015

Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>      http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 30 March 2015 22:35:30 UTC