Pull payments & Tokenization

Although engineering issues seem to have been delegated to the future WG
(which IMHO is a risky idea), I wonder if anybody has any input on the following
observations that have emerged from my experiments with payment protocols.

Claim 1: Tokenization is primarily applicable to pull payments where there is no prior
interaction with the account holder (one-time card-numbers have been i practical
use since more than 10 years back but rely on a connection to the user's bank).

Claim 2: Tokenization a la EMVCo is limted to Merchants; Payment processors are
supposed to be "safe" for dealing with true PANs.

Claim 3: Using a decentralized pull scheme, tokenization could be replaced by the
account holder (bank) encrypting PANs for the specific Payment processor.  Encrypting PANs
is similar to what VISA's and MasterCard's SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) did in the 90'ties.
One advantage with decentralized pull schemes is the elimination of Token service providers
which is important since the Token provider concept doesn't scale; it (for practical reasons)
depends on "Super-Providers".

performing his weekly update

Received on Monday, 24 August 2015 13:12:27 UTC