Organize a chat on account/ledger capabilities?

Hi Kepeng, Pat, Adrian, Evert, Cyril, Jurgen, (and others who may be interested),

I was chatting with Kepeng yesterday about capabilities related to account/ledger access. We were discussing
the sorts of useful things one could do if there were standard APIs for account/ledger access, including building
risk monitoring systems that would have an easier time working with diverse types of accounts. Also, I wondered
whether PSD2 regulation in Europe might be leading to a need for open standards to provide access to
accounts from Web applications.

Maybe we can organize a Thursday call around this topic so that we can determine who is interested, and
whether, for example, there is even enough interest to start a task force.

Please let me know if this discussion would interest you. Thanks!


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 16:45:40 UTC