Re: EMV on the Web - A workable idea?

EMVCo's answer to card-not-present is tokenisation.
This is what ApplePay employs.

I expect this will be the same approach of the card-based scheme operators
in adopting whatever standard comes out of the Web Payments WG

On 3 August 2015 at 06:33, Anders Rundgren <>

> The traditional payment industry have settled on using EMV for POS
> transactions.
> That is, even Apple Pay use EMV by emulating physical cards over an NFC
> transport.
> EMV is a very low-level card protocol which at least historically always
> depended on a trusted "Payment Terminal" which in turn did the actual
> talking with other systems including the POS.
> Now to the issue...
> A merchant Web server indeed function as a virtual POS but does a wallet
> actually replace the payment terminal?
> The answer to this simple question will have dramatic implications on Web
> Payment WG deliverables.
> Although I'm by no means an expert on EMV, my gut feeling is that we need
> a NEW protocol for the Web in order to achieve comparable security to EMV.
> Anders
> sending his weekly question/update

Received on Monday, 3 August 2015 08:47:26 UTC