Re: Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2015-04-20 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes

> On Apr 18, 2015, at 9:18 AM, David Ezell <> wrote:
> [Note: Chair for today will be Erik Anderson]
> Agenda for April 20 call:
> 1 Confirm agenda.  Please send agenda change requests in advance.
> 2 June Face to Face Agenda – startup discussion
>    We are taking recommendations from the IG about topics and sessions (possibly breakouts) for the face
>    face meeting June 16-18 at Bloomberg, but we want to be sure we canvas the WG as a whole.  Anyone
>    can contribute.  Start thinking about what you want to hear about at this meeting.

Here is a place for FTF agenda notes:

Here are a few notes on agenda planning:

 * For productive discussion, we will need materials in advance. 
 * The materials I have in mind specifically are:
    - Draft architecture documents
    - Draft charters for future standards work (I have an action on that)
 * Are we planning any joint sessions with people from ISO or X9? If so, will the liaisons
    task force be working with those guests on what we will discuss? One idea is that 
    we ask specific individuals in those subcommittees to review the upcoming architecture
    document and send comments back to the IG in advance of the meeting. Then we can discuss
    face-to-face any challenging issues that emerge from that review.
 * Should we have a “joint meeting” (during the FTF) on security, so that we can work through 
   any obstacles on topics like security models.
 * Lastly, I think each task force lead should let us know this week whether they will want to reserve
   time for discussion at the FTF meeting and, if so, on what topics.

>    d. External Reviews - Claudia Swenseid
>         For complete issues and actions see:
>         Claudia will report on two items:
>         * tokenization standard vis-a-vis the EMVCo tokenization specification
>         * X9's offer to review any of the W3C's output

I would like to discuss our strategy for letting groups know about the FPWD and future milestones in the group.
We have a number of dependencies in our charter, for example:


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 20 April 2015 02:37:08 UTC