Communications plan for FPWD of Use Cases - get ready to spread the news on 16 April!

Dear IG,

Here is a reminder of our anticipated calendar for reaching First Public Working Draft of “Web Payments Use Cases”, assuming
all goes well:

• 3 Apr: Call for consensus from Chairs to IG until 10 April (done [1])
• 10 Apr: Transition request from David Ezell to Wendy Seltzer (the Domain Lead responsible for approving the request)
• 13 Apr: Publication request from Ian Jacobs to Webmaster
• 16 Apr: Publication

I want to share with you the communications plan for the publication, and how you can help!

 * I have requested that the publication be the top news story on the W3C home page, and we will tweet it (as we do for all news)
 * I am doing some media outreach so I anticipate at least one story will be published on 16 April about the group’s progress.
 * I encourage all of you to retweet the W3C tweet and also have your organizations tweet about the publication. For example, here
   is a draft tweet for your consideration:
     "First draft of @w3c #webpayments Use Cases sets course for payment standards for the Open Web Platform."

   Please note the use of “@w3c” and “#webpayments”

I also have some other ideas I am running by the W3C Communications Team first.

We are not planning a media advisory or press release. 

People speaking at both the "Payments 2015” and “Conexxus” conferences will have an opportunity to mention
the new publication. 

I welcome your additional suggestions for how to disseminate the news. Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 21:05:27 UTC