RE: [use cases] Use Cases FPWD ready for Call for Consensus

+1 with Joerg on Manu -- great leadership and personal thank you for getting work out of me!

On the other topics, we both identified a few areas that need refinement.  Maybe we should publish this work and then follow-up with a new draft in a short timeframe covering a few missing items and these that folks are collecting now.  There are a few items of consistency we should address but maybe we should do a "single voice" editor (something we used to do with docs at work) where a single person does the final draft edits for reading -- someone who was not deeply involved in the original production of the text.  That could be a professional tech writer or other language person.  I have done this before and could offer in the next version to do that if we do not have access to a pro for this.  Just an idea ...

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 11:15 AM
Subject: RE: [use cases] Use Cases FPWD ready for Call for Consensus

Hello Manu, all,

First let me congratulate to the great work you have been doing here. Particularly Manu, but also all the others who have managed to contribute so much more than the few comments I felt able to make in the last 6 months.
I do approve the publication. Nevertheless - reading through the texts more thoroughly than before, I found a few things which I would love to see addressed  - either before publication or in the course of a future revision:

Again, the wording has reverted a little towards the online web world as could be seen in the Introduction:

 The W3C Web Payments Interest Group is developing a roadmap for standards to improve the interoperability of payments on the Web.

In the past I was able to tweak such sentences into 'interoperability of payments using web technologies'. It would be good if the 'offline world' became more of in-focus now that web technology is making its way into non-open-Internet scenarios. The use cases clearly embrace such scenarios so I have no doubt that the intention will be understood by readers anyhow.

In 6.2.2 Selection of Payment Instruments greatly fosters confusion between payment instruments and wallets. Especially the Motivation

 A payer will most likely use multiple payment services over time. It is important to ensure that the payment services presented to them are consistent across devices, even ones that they have never used before.

Hints to payment services and wallets probably being the same...? Implying that even though there are different wallet services and devices, they will all be consistent through the use of W3C standards... Wow - that's a lot just as an aside. Not wrong, but might be better understood with a bit more text on such implications.

In 6.3.1 under 'Payee-initiated' it sounds like it is explicitly requested that the current practice should not be supported by a W3C standard... Do we do this for real? I'd always try to convince people to do it better, but denying legacy support might doom a good standard which still needs adoption.



-----Original Message-----
From: Manu Sporny [] 
Sent: Freitag, 3. April 2015 07:03
To: Web Payments IG
Subject: [use cases] Use Cases FPWD ready for Call for Consensus

David, Erik, Ian,

The Web Payments Use Cases First Public Working Draft document is ready for the Call for Consensus (CfC) starting later today at 12pm. The timestamped document is available here:

The text for the CfC should be something along the lines of:

PROPOSAL: Request the transition of the Web Payments Use Cases document to a First Public Working Draft with a publication date of April 16th 2015.

Note that I have not passed the document through the pubrules checker yet and will do so before we pass it off to the pubteam.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny) Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 16:54:33 UTC