Re: Support for Verifiable Claims

Hello all,I agree that Verfifiable Claims would provide help for disabled people. It could also be useful for production traceability etc.I am in favoer of this work moving forward. 
On 16/10/2016 17:19, Shane McCarron wrote:
> Spec-Ops has reviewed the proposed charter for a Verifiable Claims
> working group.  We are in favor of this work moving forward, as we
> believe a common structure for claims is essential to jump-starting a
> universal environment for digital verification.  We look forward to
> contributing implementations and tests to this working group as its
> recommendations progress.

TPG echoes these comments from Spec-Ops.

The task of independently verifying oneself is difficult (or impossible) 
for many disabled people. Current methods often require people with 
disabilities to relinquish any degree of privacy and/or to share 
personal data insecurely. The ability to provide verification digitally 
has enormous potential to change both these things.



Received on Thursday, 3 November 2016 13:16:24 UTC