Re: Voluntary (and non-) Standards (was: Support for Verifiable Claims)

> On Dec 6, 2016, at 14:15 , David Ezell <> wrote:
> To the first point, I’m not sure what you mean by non-voluntary standards organizations:  ... I’m not sure this non-voluntary distinction is worth fretting about. 

Some standards organizations (notably ITU) are the result of treaties, and some (including ITU) produce standards that can later have the force of law behind them.   “X’s sold or made available in country Y must comply with standard Z.”

As you say, it’s not strongly relevant, except that in this field, some of the use cases for verifiable claims also intersect with legal requirements (e.g. being required to check the age of someone before selling them certain products). We easily back into the ‘quis custodiet custodies?’ problem if we’re not careful (who watches the watchers?) and wonder “who is recognized legally as being able to prove the age of a customer?”.

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2016 22:35:39 UTC