- From: Michael Schneider <schneid@fzi.de>
- Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 10:35:22 +0200
- To: "Jeremy Carroll" <jjc@hpl.hp.com>
- Cc: <public-webont-comments@w3.org>, "OWL Working Group WG" <public-owl-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <0EF30CAA69519C4CB91D01481AEA06A08BE28C@judith.fzi.de>
Hi Jeremy! Jeremy Carroll wrote: >The OWL Full semantics entail that >OWL:Nothing rdf:type rdfs:Datatype You are right, I can see it! :) (See attachment below.) >and similarly for any empty class. >I believe this is unintentional, I concur. And this *might* even lead to problems in certain situations, I am not sure. >and can be fixed by the addition of >"n >= 1" in the first of the "Further conditions on owl:oneOf" in the >reference section. Looks like the right solution to me. The case of an empty list / set will then lead to an empty /class/. Doing so won't conflict with the notion of an empty /datatype/, it is just less specific: The resulting empty class may still have models which interpret this class to be a datatype, this only cannot be entailed anymore. So explicitly defining an empty datatype will /not/ lead to an inconsistent ontology: :D rdf:type rdfs:Datatype :D owl:equivalentClass owl:Nothing Btw: It is still true that a class, which has the empty set as its class extension, is a /subClassOf/ rdfs:Literal: CEXT_I(S_I(owl:Nothing)) = {} SUBSET LV_I = CEXT_I(S_I(rdfs:Literal)) >Jeremy I will add a Full-TF issue (you as author, I as scribe :)). Cheers, Michael Attachment: owl:Nothing rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ---------------------------------------------- By the IFF semantics of owl:oneOf in the "Conditions on OWL vocabulary related to boolean combinations and sets" table: 1) "If x in C_l ...": in our case: S_I(owl:Nothing) in C_l 2) "... and y is a sequence of y1...yn over [...] LV_I ...": in particular the empty list S_I(rdf:nil) of data values, which is produced by the second comprehension principle [FIXME: Do the list comprehension principles produce /empty/ lists?] 3) "... and CEXT_I(x) = {y1...yn} ..." in our case: CEXT_I(S_I(owl:Nothing)) = {} 4) "... then <x,y> in EXT_I(S_I(owl:oneOf))" our intermediate result: <S_I(owl:Nothing), S_I(rdf:nil)> in EXT_I(S_I(owl:oneOf)) And then with the first of the "Further conditions on owl:oneOf": 5) "if l is a sequence of y1...yn over LV_I" that's our empty list 6) "... then if <x,l> in EXT_I(S_I(owl:oneOf))" so this matches our intermediate result above: <S_I(owl:Nothing), S_I(rdf:nil)> in EXT_I(S_I(owl:oneOf)) 7) "... then x in IDC" aha: S_I(owl:Nothing) in IDC where "IDC" is the name of the class extension of rdfs:Datatype Hence, by applying the IFF-style RDFS-semantics of rdf:type : owl:Nothing rdf:type owl:Datatype
Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 08:36:02 UTC