Problem in definition of satisfaction, point 4

In the definition [1] of satisfaction of an ontology by an
interpretation, point 4 says

    There is some o \in R with <o,S(owl:Ontology)> \in ER(rdf:type) such
    for each Ontology Annotation of the form Annotation(p v), 
    <o,S(v)> \in ER(p) and that if O has name n, then S(n) = o

The v in Annotation(p v) may be an individual, as well as a URI or a
literal, so that S(v) is not defined. If v is a named individual then I
suspect that S(v) may be interpreted as S( but if v is an
anonymous individual it is unclear how to interpret this condition.


Dave Turner  Cube T400, HP Labs Bristol, Filton Road, Bristol BS34 8QZ          +44 117 3129104 (Work) +44 7962 811627 (Mobile)

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Received on Thursday, 5 April 2007 09:57:17 UTC