Problem in definition of satisfaction, point 1

In the definition [1] of satisfaction of an ontology by an
interpretation, point 1 says

   Each URI reference in O used as a class ID (datatype ID, 
   individual ID, data-valued property ID, individual-valued
   property ID, annotation property ID, annotation ID, 
   ontology ID) belongs to VC (VD, VI, VDP, VIP, VAP, VO, 

The 'respectively' links a list of 8 properties to a list of 7
properties, which can't be right. Also, there doesn't seem to be such a
thing as an 'annotation ID'. An obvious fix is to delete 'annotation ID'
from the first list. It may also be desirable to add 'ontology property
ID' and 'VOP' to the respective lists.


Dave Turner  Cube T400, HP Labs Bristol, Filton Road, Bristol BS34 8QZ          +44 117 3129104 (Work) +44 7962 811627 (Mobile)

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Registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1HN

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2007 09:42:45 UTC