- From: Nicolas F Rouquette <nicolas.rouquette@jpl.nasa.gov>
- Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 13:36:11 -0700
- To: public-webont-comments@w3.org
I have been trying hard to use well-crafted, highly formalized ontologies but this has caused me a lot of pain and schedule problems with tools that sometimes break for obscure reasons. Out of exasperation, I have decided to look a bit deeper into the causes of these annoyances and in doing so, I found some bugs in the OWLAPI and discrepancies among the normative reference and the OWL API reference parsers & renderers for abstract syntax. 1) The OWLAPI abstract parser uses non-compliant definitions of URI and URI references. See: owlapi/abstractparser/grammar/{lexer,abstract_owl}.g Here are the abbreviated ANTLR grammar & lexer rules: uriReference : URI_ID | qname; qname : REF_PREFIX LOCAL_NAME; URI_ID: LANGLE ("urn:"|"file:"|"http://") ( ~('\n'|'\r'|'\t'|' '|')'|'>') )* RANGLE; REF_PREFIX : ( LETTER )+ COLON ; PREFIX : ( LETTER )+; LOCAL_NAME : LETTER (LETTER | ARABIC_DIGIT | DIGIT_NON_ARABIC | UNDERSCORE )*; These defintions are different than the normative definitions in RFC 2396: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt Appendix A shows a collected grammar definition for parsing URI-related stuff. Here is an example where this breaks down: Annotation(owl:versionInfo "test"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string) The current parser parses "test"^^... as a data literal; ok. The data literal currently supports strings only; ok dataTypeString is defined as: datatypeString : QUOTED_STRING ( DOUBLE_CARET uriReference | AT LANGUAGE )?; As you can see, the uriReference won't parse the "#string" fragment. 2) There are 3 different definitions of the abstract syntax for an ObjectProperty. a) In the normative definition of OWL abstract syntax http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-semantics/syntax.html# an object property has a required order for its constituent parts: 'ObjectProperty(' individualvaluedPropertyID ['Deprecated'] { annotation } { 'super(' individualvaluedPropertyID ')' } [ 'inverseOf(' individualvaluedPropertyID ')' ] [ 'Symmetric' ] [ 'Functional' | 'InverseFunctional' | 'Functional' 'InverseFunctional' | 'Transitive' ] { 'domain(' description ')' } { 'range(' description ')' } ')' b) The owlapi renderer as a different version (see: owlapi/io/src/org/semanticweb/owl/io/abstract_syntax/Renderer.java) This version uses a different order for the constituent parts and can produce multiple parts of the same kind. private void renderObjectProperty( OWLOntology ontology, OWLObjectProperty prop ) throws OWLException { pw.print(" ObjectProperty(" + shortForm( prop.getURI() )); if ( prop.isTransitive( ontology ) ) { pw.print(" Transitive"); } if ( prop.isFunctional( ontology ) ) { pw.print(" Functional"); } if ( prop.isInverseFunctional( ontology ) ) { pw.print(" InverseFunctional"); } if ( prop.isSymmetric( ontology ) ) { pw.print(" Symmetric"); } for ( Iterator it = prop.getInverses( ontology ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { pw.println(); OWLObjectProperty inv = (OWLObjectProperty) it.next(); visitor.reset(); inv.accept( visitor ); pw.print( " inverseOf(" + visitor.result() + ")"); } for ( Iterator it = prop.getSuperProperties( ontology ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { pw.println(); OWLObjectProperty sup = (OWLObjectProperty) it.next(); visitor.reset(); sup.accept( visitor ); pw.print( " super(" + visitor.result() + ")"); } for ( Iterator it = prop.getDomains( ontology ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { pw.println(); OWLDescription dom = (OWLDescription) it.next(); visitor.reset(); dom.accept( visitor ); pw.print( " domain(" + visitor.result() + ")"); // if (it.hasNext()) { // pw.println(); // } } for ( Iterator it = prop.getRanges( ontology ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { pw.println(); OWLDescription ran = (OWLDescription) it.next(); visitor.reset(); ran.accept( visitor ); pw.print( " range(" + visitor.result() + ")"); } pw.println(")"); } c) The owlapi abstract parser implmentation is the closest version w.r.t the normative definition. However, it does not allow the 'Functional' 'InverseFunctional' combination of the normative definition. See: owlapi/abstractparser/grammar/abstract_owl.g objectProperty returns [OWLObjectProperty prop] throws OWLException { URI id, superId, inverseId; OWLDescription descr; prop = null; OWLObjectProperty superProp; } : OBJECT_PROPERTY id = individualvaluedPropertyID { idsTable.put(id.toString(), OBJ_PROP); prop = builder.addObjectProperty(id); } ( DEPRECATED { builder.setDeprecatedObject(prop); } )? ( { OWLBuilder.AnnotationComponent annComponent; } annComponent = annotation { builder.addAnnotationInstance(prop, annComponent); } )* ( SUPER superId = individualvaluedPropertyID { idsTable.put(superId.toString(), OBJ_PROP); superProp = builder.addObjectProperty(superId); builder.addSuperProperty(prop, superProp); } RPAREN )* ( INVERSE_OF inverseId = individualvaluedPropertyID { idsTable.put(inverseId.toString(), OBJ_PROP); builder.addInverse(prop, inverseId); } RPAREN )? ( SYMMETRIC { builder.setPropertyType(prop, OWLBuilder.SYMMETRIC); } )? ( FUNCTIONAL { builder.setPropertyType(prop, OWLBuilder.FUNCTIONAL); } | INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL { builder.setPropertyType(prop, OWLBuilder.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL); } | TRANSITIVE { builder.setPropertyType(prop, OWLBuilder.TRANSITIVE); } )? ( DOMAIN descr = description { builder.addPropertyDomain(prop, descr); } RPAREN )* ( RANGE descr = description { builder.addObjectPropertyRange(prop, descr); } RPAREN )* RPAREN ; These problems are difficult to avoid given the number of people involved, the rapid pace at which the standard itself evolved, and the decentralized nature of the process. I believe it would be useful to have a single definition of the abstract syntax grammar in a form that can produce the 3 variants needed: - a documentation for the normative definition of the abstract syntax standard - a parser - a renderer There are two toolkits I can think of for avoiding the problems of maintaining 3 or more different descriptions of essentially the same thing, i.e., the OWL abstract language itself. http://www.cwi.nl/htbin/sen1/twiki/bin/view/SEN1/MetaEnvironment http://www.semdesigns.com/Products/DMS/DMSToolkit.html Has the use of these tools been discussed for simplifying the maintenance aspects of this important standard? -- Nicolas.
Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2005 20:36:24 UTC