simple barenames for schema component designators

Please allow barename fragments to be used as schema component designator
right hand sides. For example #over17 in

If they're already allowed, please make it more clear that they
are; my reading of

  3.1 Schema Component Designator Syntax

is that they're not.

We discussed this in March 2004...

DC: Most pressing use case is pointing at user-defined datatypes. First
design that occurs to me is #sku. Why not?

MSM: Multiple top-level symbol spaces. #sku could be type, element,
attribute, notation, attribute groups, named model groups...

DC: OK, so don't do #sku to do that. Advise users to not have two
top-level things named the same.


There seems to be little or no acknowledgement of the case
case of user-defined datatypes in OWL. The only thing I see is:

  "RDF assertions about types, etc".

Please cite this section of the OWL recommendation among your

"Because there is no standard way to go from a URI reference to an XML
Schema datatype in an XML Schema, there is no standard way to use
user-defined XML Schema datatypes in OWL."

And acknowledge this example from the DAML+OIL submission among
your use cases:

<xsd:simpleType name="over17">
  <!-- over17 is an XMLS datatype based on positiveIntege -->
  <!-- with the added restriction that values must be >= 18 -->
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:positiveInteger">
  <xsd:minInclusive value="18"/>

<daml:Class rdf:ID="Adult">
  <daml:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
    <daml:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
      <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#age"/>
      <daml:hasClass rdf:resource=""/>


I still can't see why the design chosen in DAML+OIL shouldn't be
standardized in the XML Schema Component designators spec, so as
I say, please change the design too.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 31 March 2005 19:25:48 UTC