Elements within Enumerated Datatype


Is it the intention of the group that individual literals within an
enumerated datatype may in fact be from different value spaces? i.e. one
value may be an integer, another a string? 

dataRange ::= datatypeID | rdfs:Literal
            | 'oneOf(' { dataLiteral } ')'

dataLiteral ::= typedLiteral | untypedLiteral
typedLiteral ::= lexicalForm^^URIReference

Both the OWL reference and the above from AS&S seem to suggest that each
value may be of a different type.
If so, can this be explicitly mentioned in the OWL reference? 



Gary Ng, PhD 	     gary.ng@networkinference.com
Senior Software Engineer
Network Inference (Holdings) Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7616 0717 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7616 0701

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 09:58:08 UTC