Re: OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics review comments

Here is a reply for the unanswered issue in your message.

> --- owlsas-rdfcore-unnamed-ontologies
> Section 3.4
> Unnamed ontologies: informally, multiple Annontations on an unnamed
> ontology don't need to be satisfied by the same "x" according to this
> table. Don't think that's right.

The newest editor's draft of S&AS (of 4 June 2003, available at has a new Section 3.4
that should satisfactorily address this issue.

The basic change is that the interpretation of Ontology Annotations is done
in an environment where there is a resource for the ontology, named or not
as evidenced by the following wording:

	there is some o ∈ R such that 
	for each Ontology Annotation of the form
	<span class="syntax">Annotation(</span>p v<span class="syntax">)</span>,
	&lt;o,S(v)&gt; &isin; ER(p)
	and that if O has name n, then 
	S(n) = o;

Please reply to this message as to whether this response is satisfactory,
copying Again, thank you for your comments.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research
Lucent Technologies

Received on Friday, 13 June 2003 11:41:49 UTC