A single UML diagram showing all identified requirements. Ref "Re quirements for a Web Ontology Language", W3C Working Draft 07 March 2002


While reviewing (http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-webont-req-20020307/), I felt
it beneficial to create a single UML diagram identifying all of the
requirements described so far in the working draft. As such I offer the
attachment, which is in 'PNG' format for use by the community. The diagram
has three foci:

1. Design Goals and the constituent 8 general requirements
2. Requirements of section 4 which are deemed essential
3. and Objectives which are deemed useful but may or may not be addressed by
the working group.

After considering all of the requirements, it appears that 'trust' is only
slightly covered as a requirement, and only indirectly at that. The
requirements that seem to relate to trust are:

*	Ontology metadata -potentially allowing attached information with an
ontology to provide useful information about the trust
*	Integration of digital signatures - potentially supporting

After briefly reviewing P3P, it appears that a similar concept could be used
to share information about trust aspects of an ontology, I am not even sure
what these trust aspects are at this time, but I suspect it is worthwhile to
think about them at this initial requirements stage. It might be useful when
creating an ontology that relies on other ontologies to be able to set some
preferences about the trust levels desired with respect to shared

Some trust properties might include:

*	reference to trusted third party for ontology integrity
*	responsible party identification for ontology authentication
*	commitment level to maintaining ontology integrity 
*	standard or consortium references for ontology
*	signatures for ensuring ontology integrity (Already covered in
"Integration of digital signatures")
*	Trust Level - an overall indicator

Best Regards,
John Yanosy, Fellow of the technical staff, Motorola Labs

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 18:25:39 UTC