Re: [minutes] 2014-05-05 Webizen task force meeting

Hi Art,

On Tue, 06 May 2014 03:26:05 +0200, Arthur Barstow <>  

> On 5/5/14 5:30 PM, Coralie Mercier wrote:
>> The W3C Advisory Committee will hear about the program at their June  
>> meeting,
> What is the probability you will be able to cobble together a relatively  
> solid proposal for review prior to the AC meeting? (The idea being that  
> rather than the AC meeting being used as an introduction to the  
> proposal, the related agenda topic is actually issue-focused.)

My understanding is that the agenda item will actually be issue-focused.

>> and discuss the key issues.
> Please identify the key issues in the wiki (preferably in a (new)  
> top-level section).

I've made a separate section in the wiki:


> -Thanks, AB

  Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Communications Team  - +336 4322 0001

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 07:00:08 UTC