Re: AC Voting for Webizen

Jeff Jaffe wrote:
> I have posted a proposal for comment in the wiki [1].
> [1]

I like that STV is finally considered in an official ballot. If it could 
be a first step toward seeing this generalized to TAG & AB elections, 
that'd be even better.

Some questions, which might have been addressed before, sorry about 
jumping in late:
- why just 1 year term? 2 years seems more reasonable to grasp the role 
and build some influence
- regional clusters is a solution to the issue of representativeness, 
another would be to use technical clusters: in orgs such as OIPF, HbbTV, 
companies declare themselves in the XX, YY or ZZ industry, and each 
cluster elects its own representatives. That would probably be a better 
option down the road, but might be a bit more complex for the initial setup


Received on Monday, 31 March 2014 23:48:19 UTC