[minutes] first Webizen task force teleconference, 2014-03-10

Hi all,

The minutes of inaugural Webizen task force teleconference today are at:

     Coralie to come up with comm plan for low-key start of webizen program.
     Coralie to create a wiki.
     Coralie to nudge Ted about systeam aspects of Webizen.
     Veronica to draft a proposal of what kind of discounts a Webizen  
program would confer.

I've created and started to populate our wiki:

Next meeting: Next week, Monday 17-Mar.

Text snapshot:
                      Webizen Headlights task force
                             10 Mar 2014

    See also: [2]IRC log
       [2] http://www.w3.org/2014/03/10-webizen-irc

           koalie, Veronica, Jeff

      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]package of benefits
          2. [5]Comm plan
          3. [6]operational plan (notably administration, payments)
          4. [7]global
          5. [8]accessible
          6. [9]Start date?
      * [10]Summary of Action Items

    <veronica> yay!

    Jeff: A proposal has to have a package of benefits, a com plan,
    it has to be global and accessible
    ... and an operational plan

package of benefits

    <jeff> Koalie: We should add "voice in W3C blog"

    Jeff: could be a Webizen Blog, with guidelines associated

    <jeff> ... linked from W3C blog

    Jeff: We should use a wiki

    <scribe> ACTION: Coralie to create a wiki [recorded in

    Jeff: We should write down the guidelines too (related to the
    web, respectful conversation, ways to index it, etc.)
    ... Other ideas for the package of benefits?

    Veronica: is this annual membership?

    Jeff: Yes
    ... we'll decide how we want to administer that
    ... We can come back to the package some more next week.
    ... Let's move the ideas to the wiki.
    ... What kind of discount could we propose? I'm looking for
    someone to draft a proposal

    <scribe> ACTION: Veronica to draft a proposal of what kind of
    discounts a Webizen program would confer [recorded in

Comm plan

    Jeff: My sense is that this program is supposed to start small
    ... and grow to whatever its natural size is and we want to
    make it effective
    ... We want to scale the amount of comm we do to the size of
    the program
    ... The comm plan would be some percentage of the income.
    ... say 8%
    ... I'd be interested if people had feedback on that.
    ... For the comm plan we should do two things
    ... We should record our thoughts of how we size the comm
    budget as a fraction of the whole program
    ... For immediate need, having a comm proposal of what we do
    for a low-key launch
    ... e.g. a comm plan could be a posting on our Website, a
    mailing to all individuals in work groups
    ... We'd need to have some sort of proposal.
    ... I'm looking for a volunteer

    <scribe> ACTION: Coralie to come up with comm plan for low-key
    start of webizen program [recorded in

    Jeff: Anything else for comm plan?


operational plan (notably administration, payments)

    Jeff: This is the scary piece, for me.
    ... Because in order to have any program, there are things that
    have to happen.
    ... Lifecyle of a program: we create a form, that users fill,
    an application goes somewhere, someone approves it, billing is
    made, billing renewal, benetifs etc.
    ... I didn't require Ted to join, but interfacing with systeam
    has to be part of it.
    ... Who might volunteer to accept this interfacing?

    Coralie: Me!

    <veronica> conrats!

    <scribe> ACTION: Coralie to nudge Ted about systeam aspects of
    Webizen [recorded in

    Jeff: We need to understand the credit card strategy
    ... that needs to be looked at.
    ... there is also the complexity of hosts and who initiates the
    ... Might makes sense to do it from ERCIM.
    ... Coralie, work with Veronica assessing this question.
    ... Any other question on operations?

    Coralie: At which point do we loop in other Hosts?

    Jeff: next agenda item is "global"


    Jeff: This program should be global from the start
    ... Everything we do has to take into account a global audience
    ... Any action related to outreach, comm, translation, etc.
    should be part of the proposal as well.
    ... Same for the next agenda item, program must be accessible.


    Jeff: ditto previous section, s/global/accessible/
    ... People who took action, what's the reasonable amount of
    time required until we reconvene?
    ... Any other business?

    Veronica: Potential start date?

Start date?

    Jeff: My intuition tells me that a very sensible time might be
    tied in with the anniversary events
    ... No sooner than Summer Woods
    ... Depends also on comm plan
    ... We want to be timely with opportunities that present
    ... Adjourn till next week

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Coralie to come up with comm plan for low-key
    start of webizen program [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Coralie to create a wiki [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Coralie to nudge Ted about systeam aspects of
    Webizen [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Veronica to draft a proposal of what kind of
    discounts a Webizen program would confer [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [19]scribe.perl version
     1.138 ([20]CVS log)
     $Date: 2014-03-10 14:40:39 $

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  Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Communications Team  -  http://www.w3.org
mailto:coralie@w3.org +336 4322 0001 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/

Received on Monday, 10 March 2014 15:51:43 UTC