[minutes] 2014-06-02 Webizen task force meeting

Hi all,

The minutes of today's short teleconference are at:

Little content changed in the wiki since our last meeting.
W3C Management will estimate administration costs in 4 weeks.
We dropped the idea to auction low Webizen ID numbers.
A couple edits were made to the "Intermediate or Longer-term benefits"  

Here's the text snapshot of the minutes:

                        Webizen Taskforce meeting
                               02 Jun 2014
    See also: [2]IRC log
       [2] http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-webizen-irc

           Jeff Jaffe, Coralie Mercier, Veronica Thom, Ann Bassetti
           Sébastien Desbenoit (followed in IRC), Andrei Sambra
           (followed in IRC)
           Jeff Jaffe
           Coralie Mercier

      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Paying for vanity ID number?
          2. [5]Any other topic?
      * [6]Summary of Action Items

    <koaliie> [7]Previous (2014-05-12)

       [7] http://www.w3.org/2014/05/12-webizen-minutes.html

    Jeff: This is our last discussion before we formally unveil to
    the AC for AC input next week

    <jeff> [8]https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webizen

       [8] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webizen

    Jeff: Not a lot of action in the wiki recently which I guess is
    ... I heard via Ralph a suggestion for ways to raise funds
    ... for webizen who would want to pay more than $100 to get an
    ID number below say 1000
    ... Veronica reports she added to wiki a comparison table
    ... We can discuss these
    ... I have asked the W3C Management to estimate administration
    ... We'll discuss at the Management meeting in 4 weeks

Paying for vanity ID number?

    Ann: What is Ralph's suggestion?

    Jeff: Ralph suggested we could auction low numbers for Webizen

    Ann: It could also backfire

    Jeff: I'm not seeing a lot of support for having premium cost
    for low numbers
    ... Let's drop that idea

    Ann: But, Andrei points out [in IRC comment] there might be
    value for being able to have one's own handle/nickname
    ... it's close to the vanity idea

    Jeff: We're not giving out e-mail addresses, however.

    <deiu> Twitter short handles (1-2 letters) are worth $50k+

    Ann: Various people I know have taken certificate classes in
    universities and still use the university e-mail address years

    Jeff: I could see if we got critical mass of people signing up,
    we could add that at a later point
    ... Somewhere in wiki we have a section called intermediate and
    long-term benefits

    <AnnBassetti> (e.g., JoeBlow@harvard.edu) .. but not the same
    address as students get

    Jeff: we could add it there, perhaps

    <deiu> Is there an operational cost of using handles (names)
    instead of numbers?

    Jeff: But I don't want to commit to becoming an e-mail service

    [Jeff added it in wiki]

    <jeff> @deiu, we will probably address people by their real
    names, but not clear what a "Webizen name" would mean.

    <deiu> jeff: I was thinking more in terms of twitter handles.
    My point is that people would rather use a handle/nick than a
    number (especially in this format: 000000000000051)

    <jeff> @deiu understood for Twitter; but what would you use
    that handle for here?

    <deiu> jeff, probably nothing at this point, but we should keep
    the options open for the future.

    <jeff> +1; it has been added as Intermediate term benefit (e.g.
    for email service)

Any other topic?

    Jeff: We declared we were almost done, we can declare we're
    done for AC discussion

    Jeff: Any other business?

    Jeff: I'll be pitching this to the AC, I'm counting on your
    ... Thanks everyone!

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [9]scribe.perl version
     1.138 ([10]CVS log)
     $Date: 2014-06-02 15:05:14 $

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  Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Communications Team  -  http://www.w3.org
mailto:coralie@w3.org +336 4322 0001 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/

Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 15:24:53 UTC