Chair's overview - 2024W05

Hi all,

This is the second instance of a "chair’s overview”, a weekly message in which the chair provides the group with an overview of the issues, PRs and discussions to look at. More about it in our new [1] file.

It’s time for celebrations! I’ve just merged PR #45 [2], which is the first actual change to our working draft following the last few weeks of work on general direction and process. Very nice way to start the week! Can we keep the momentum?

For the next seven days I kindly invite you to look at and provide feedback on the following issues:

- #20 [3], discussing whether it’d be a good idea to rename “WebID Profile Document” to “WebID Document”
- #54 [4], discussing the meaning of the word “Discovery” in "Web Identity and Discovery (WebID)”
- #53 [7], through which I’m tracking everything that needs to be done to have a coherent web presence

In terms of PRs, we have a lot to do. #29 [5] adds a description of the spec’s intended audience, which is something that (I think) we all agree on, but needs to be forked and rebased on main due to #45 [2]. More importantly, we’re now in a very good place to start crafting the small, focused PRs required to bridge the delta between the current working draft and the direction described in #37 [6]. I’m going to wait for a couple of days to let the group focus on the issues above and will then start working on those PRs. Any help would be, of course, much appreciated and I invite you to get in touch with me privately if you have the time and mental energy to do so.

Separately, I will also start documenting my activity as chair in “chair’s notes” as per our process [1]. I’m inclined to simply commit these notes to the repo without going through the PR process as doing otherwise creates a loop (a decision on merging a PR for notes would have to be documented in a different PR for notes). Let me know if you think I should do otherwise, I’m always happy to listen and change my mind.

Have a good week!



Received on Monday, 29 January 2024 08:44:22 UTC