Re: Proposed constraint

Thanks Nathan, "not a pipe", made me laugh out loud, an in joke for the old

I do agree with this, but I Think we can do it in a two-step approach.

1. A natural language definition of a WebID, which has to be done anyway
2. Then we get into the details of how to test of an Agent, or why some may
not want to, etc.

Divide and conquer the problem, do (1) first, then (2) becomes that much

čt 4. 1. 2024 v 0:50 odesílatel Nathan Rixham <> napsal:

> I would like to propose that any WebID specification authored by this
> group must provide a testable way to determine that a WebID denotes an
> Agent.
> Baked into that is is the most basic agreement we can make, that a WebID
> refers to an Agent, and not a pipe.

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2024 23:55:02 UTC