Re: Observations on WebID definition and specification

Hey Martynas,

> Mandating serializations in a spec does not automagically make parsers
> for those serializations appear in the RDF ecosystems, does it?

No, it doesn’t. It does limit the number of parsers and serializers one needs to use to achieve reasonable levels of interoperability, though.

> as we're already cycling the same age old conversations.

Indeed, and that’s not what I want to do either. The message I most want to convey, in this thread, is that I am personally open to Martynas’s idea of removing all media type requirements in the hope that the ecosystem will spontaneously converge (as it has happened on a much wider scale with the transition to JSON).

> I would like all members of the group to be able to agree this. To temporarily strip the MUST mediatype, and defer all discussion of it until everything else is complete.

Putting my chair hat on and just in case there is doubt about it, this topic is not currently blocking progress. What’s blocking progress is simply the fact that nobody is making PRs towards consensus as represented in #37. I’ll start doing so this week. I thought I would be able to start last week but got sidetracked. Obviously this doesn’t mean that consensus cannot change! On the contrary, I’d be enormously happy with anything that manages to accrue even more consensus than the MUST on JSON-LD and Turtle for publishers.


Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 14:12:35 UTC