On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 12:36 PM Martynas Jusevičius <martynas@atomgraph.com>
> So my proposal, or at least thought experiment is (which I should
> probably have brought up earlier): what if we remove the media type
> requirement altogether?
+1 in the strongest possible terms, I strongly object in every
conceivable way to not doing this.
The old WebID ED, and current WIP, do not specify WebID, they only specify
use GETable HTTP URI and a mediatype.
Our progress as a group to actually specifying WebID is consistently
stopped by this single item.
The only conceivable way to progress is to completely strip the mention of
MUSTing any mediatype. Specify everything else, then either do not mention
it, or handle it last.
Handle it last is likely going to have to happen.
Whose requirements are not met then, and what
> breaks? And are those potential breakages really worse than the
> "reasonable breaking change" of adding JSON-LD?
If I've framed this correctly, then this is a moot point. We remove any
mention of MUSTing mediatypes whilst we make progress as a group to
actually specify WebID.
Then, as a last task, revisit this, if it's still determined to be required.
I would like all members of the group to be able to agree this. To
temporarily strip the MUST mediatype, and defer all discussion of it until
everything else is complete.