Observations on WebID definition and specification

Observations on WebID definition and specification

1. Our collective grasp of WebID's essence is substantial, yet not
absolute. There's a notable consensus (around 60%-90%) on its definition
and specification, but achieving complete unanimity has been elusive.

2. This shared understanding has facilitated progress in certain areas
while posing challenges in others. A more crystallized consensus would
greatly simplify work items based on WebID.

3. Currently, WebID's comprehensive definition and specification are
dispersed across various resources over time, including within the Solid
community, leading to divergent interpretations.

4. The WebID CG stands as the most fitting forum for establishing a
definitive and comprehensive articulation of WebID. It's incumbent upon the
CG to undertake this clarification.

5. Efforts towards a complete definition are often hindered by minor
discrepancies, notably around serialization debates, or implementation
details, stalling progress for years.

6. Addressing this by adopting a serialization-neutral definition of WebID
could be the initial step, with serialization specifics to follow.  This
could be as simple as one sentence following another.

7. Presently, the lack of a lucid, universally accepted definition of WebID
impedes our collective clarity and progress.

Suggestion: Forward movement hinges on a shared commitment to a
serialization-agnostic, implementation-neutral understanding of WebID,
fully specified, and free from ambiguities.

Once established, we can then delve into serialization specifics.  I
suggest we do this so that everyone can get behind a shared understanding,
thus making life and future consensus that much easier.

Received on Sunday, 4 February 2024 21:55:01 UTC