- From: Jacopo Scazzosi <jacopo@scazzosi.com>
- Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 17:06:53 +0200
- To: "Ruben Verborgh (UGent-imec)" <Ruben.Verborgh@UGent.be>
- Cc: "public-webid@w3.org" <public-webid@w3.org>
Hi Ruben, Thanks for the kind words and support! I appreciate it. Thank you for the honest and straight feedback, too. > On the topic of the CoC, let me — from experience — share what I’ve found to be an insurmountable obstacle: it doesn’t account for problematic behaviors that are in literal alignment with the text, but not in spirit. [...] hence the behaviors continue, together with the now increased degree of discussion inherent to granting the benefit of the doubt. Ironically, this is (or used to be, we’ll see) one of my personal issues with CoCs in general. I’m somewhat biased against CoCs, in part (but not only) due to having experienced exactly what you describe: an increase in the dissipation of effort on issues that are tangential or wholly unrelated to the goal of the group without a significant increase in the group’s output. However, two thoughts: 1) We’re annoyingly close to something that could be used as the basis for a 2024 ED. I hate wasted efforts, though I am also very aware that letting go is one of the secrets to a happy and fulfilling life. Still, I like to exhaust all the options before doing so - even options I would not have considered if I had been left to my own devices. 2) I’m just one person and my set of experiences is (very) limited. Many have suggested enforcing the CoC as a first step in making things better and the greater the experience of those I have chatted with, the more likely they were to suggest doing so. I owe it to them and to the silent majority to propose a CoC committee as a possible way forward before giving up. There’s not much to loose in the attempt, anyway. There does not appear to be anyone willing to chair and move things forward with the group as-is. 3) Most importantly, it really makes little sense for me to call upon the silent majority to speak up without addressing the reason why the silent majority has become silent. In that regard, I can’t see anything better than a CoC. That doesn’t meant it’s a perfect solution but maybe it stands a chance at being a good one. > Can’t fix what aims to be broken. A very important principle to keep in mind, which is why I’ve set my own “end date” to 2024-04-22. To conclude on a more positive note, though... I don’t think I’ve ever seen you participate since I became chair but here you are! Perhaps not all is lost? :) Best, Jacopo.
Received on Friday, 5 April 2024 15:07:11 UTC