Re: WebID-JSON-LD Spec

I keep coming back to:

WebID defines a <uri> that, when *dereferenced*, should yield an RDF
response asserting that <uri> is a webid:Agent, confirming it as a valid

WebID also introduces an open-ended list of sub-specifications. For each
valid RDF response type, a corresponding webid-{type} implementation can be
developed. These implementations are constrained to require only the
specific RDF response type they are designed for.

*Dereference*: In the context of this specification, "dereference"
signifies the process of resolving a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to
access the web resource it represents. This procedure typically involves
initiating an HTTP request to the URI and retrieving the associated
representation or information, which may include an RDF response in the
case of WebID. In essence, "dereferencing" pertains to the act of accessing
the web resource specified by the given URI. Note: For HTTP requests this
may involve HTTP status code 303.

Optionally just remove RDF too

WebID defines a <uri> that, when dereferenced, should yield a response
asserting that <uri> is a webid:Agent, confirming it as a valid WebID.

WebID also introduces an open-ended list of sub-specifications. For each
valid response type, a corresponding webid-{type} implementation can be
developed. These implementations are constrained to require only the
specific response type they are designed for.

In the context of this specification, "dereference" signifies the process
of resolving a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to access the web resource
it represents. This procedure typically involves initiating an HTTP request
to the URI and retrieving the associated representation or information. In
essence, "dereferencing" pertains to the act of accessing the web resource
specified by the given URI.

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:09:46 UTC