Re: Unblocking WebID CG work items

ne 9. 7. 2023 v 22:56 odesílatel Jacopo Scazzosi <>

> > 1. The potential approval of the Solid WG Charter opens an opportunity
> for WebID to transition from draft to REC status. Our collective consensus
> suggests this is a desirable advancement.
> Yes. In another thread [1] I have explicitly asked members to state their
> preference on how the group should assess consensus. “Lazy Consensus”
> appears to be the group’s preference. I think in a couple more days,
> assuming no objections, it’d be a good time to call for another vote on the
> Solid WG handover.
> > 2. Jacopo has generously offered to assist with document editing to
> ensure a smoother transition and accurate representation of the group
> consensus. This assistance has been agreed upon for over a year now.
> What I proposed last year was for me to try to produce a revision of the
> entire spec based on what I believe to be a shared core of consensus. I
> tried, it didn’t work. Please understand that, at least for me, these are
> different things - particularly given a lack of explicit agreement on how
> to assess consensus. That said, we’re getting there!
> > 3. In August 2020, we unanimously agreed to include JSON-LD in the WebID
> spec [1].
> I would caution against assuming unanimity without getting into the
> details of how to do this. That said, spending some time coalescing
> thoughts and opinions from this list and the discussion on GitHub should
> provide a good starting point. I would have to do this as part of the
> "consensus report” if I get to work on it.
> > Given that the Solid WG Charter could be up for voting soon, we need to
> enable Jacopo to begin his work with official confirmation, and generally
> unblock the group to facilitate timely interactions with any potential
> Solid CG.
> > Proposal: To overcome these bottlenecks, I suggest we introduce a
> co-chair role to our CG. This role would support the consensus of the group
> and decrease the risk of further delay. Is anyone able to volunteer,
> temporarily for about 8 weeks, or on a permanent basis?
> Speaking only about my confirmation, I’m happy with the group explicitly
> stating its preference towards a way to assess consensus that helps us work
> around bottlenecks (currently favoring “lazy consensus” but waiting a few
> more days for that thread to settle in) and I do not require a chair to
> proceed further. That said, I fully agree that nominating a co-chair would
> greatly simplify things.

Makes sense!  Lazy consensus sounds good.

Thanks for helping with this.  The end result may be that WebID becomes a
W3C REC.  Something we didnt anticipate at the start, but that I think we'd
all be happy about.

Received on Monday, 10 July 2023 03:42:09 UTC