Re: webid serializations consensus 2023

st 5. 7. 2023 v 19:18 odesílatel Jacopo Scazzosi <>

> > Please feel free to directly request the group's perspective when
> needed. As an editor, you can either call a vote or propose a straw poll
> without prior request.
> Eh, hold on. Who says I am an editor? This group totals 70 members, 20 of
> which could be considered active. At the very least I reckon we need a few
> more people to ACK this.

I recall we reached a consensus on this some time ago. Though I can't
locate the specific thread, the group unanimously supported your role as
editor, and no objections were raised. This decision remained unchallenged
for quite a duration.

> As for the mandate, that would be to draft a document representing where
> the group stands when it comes to all aspects of WebID, with the goal of
> providing the Solid WG with a good starting point from which to take things
> forward. It would not be to edit the spec itself.
> @Henry, it would help if you could advertise my offer to work on the above
> and ask the group to express their feelings towards it.

Received on Wednesday, 5 July 2023 17:38:13 UTC