Re: WebID default serialization for WebID 2.x -- Demo Fix

On 1/26/22 10:03 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 1/25/22 9:09 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 11:59 PM Kingsley Idehen 
>> <> wrote:
>>     On 1/25/22 6:08 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
>>>     On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 10:58 PM Kingsley Idehen
>>>     <> wrote:
>>>         On 1/25/22 4:29 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
>>>>         On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 9:23 PM Kingsley Idehen
>>>>         <> wrote:
>>>>             On 1/25/22 1:28 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
>>>>>             Would a fair definition of a valid WebId then be
>>>>>             something like: A URI is a valid WebIdentifier if it
>>>>>             dereferences to a valid WebId-Profile describing the
>>>>>             URI with the minimum set of required properties (type,
>>>>>             name, public_keys)?
>>>>             A WebID is a resolvable identifier that denotes an
>>>>             agent. It resolves to a WebID Profile Document.
>>>>          How do you know it's a WebID before you resolve it?
>>>         Good question!
>>>         By deciding the want to denote yourself using a given
>>>         identifier, relative to your profile document.
>>>     Let me rephrase, and suggest looking at it the other way around:
>>>     given a random IRI <y> how do I know <y> is a webid / refers to
>>>     an Agent, without first resolving it? and as a sub point, is a
>>>     "valid" webid?
>>     You know it is a WebID because the spec says its is a URI that
>>     denotes an Agent. That's it, really :)
>>     "
>>     WebID
>>         A WebID is a URI with an HTTP or HTTPS scheme which denotes
>>         an Agent (Person, Organization, Group, Device, etc.). For
>>         WebIDs with fragment identifiers (e.g. #me), the URI without
>>         the fragment denotesthe Profile Document.
>>     "
>> I feel something is getting lost in translation.
>> There's no way to know this without doing something first, to 
>> implement anything in code it would need to be the opposite way 
>> around, "A URI is a WebID if...", there's no way for a system to know 
>> it's a WebID without further information, and the spec should define 
>> what that information is, and how to get it, the minimum needed to 
>> determine that a previously unknown uri <y> as a WebID via some 
>> mechanism.
>> "A WebID is a URI with.." doesn't actually help or provide any 
>> guidance or useful definition, indeed it's entirely impossible to get 
>> any further unless you know beforehand that `<y> an :Agent`, but you 
>> don't know this until after you've tried to resolve <y>  ..
>> Am I making sense here?
> Long story short, I hope:
> Entity description journeys start from description documents. 
> Basically, as you craft your entity description in a document its 
> identity would either be known or constructed inline, relatively.
> I provided an example that demonstrates the point above.
> Here are the steps:
> 1. Open a file
> 2. Start making notes that describe the entity being profiled
> 3. Save document
> 4. Publish to the Web
> If you don't have an existing identifier to hand for any entity in 
> your doc, use a relative identifier.
> Working the other way around with an identifier an not document isn't 
> how this is supposed to work, really.
> Examples of WebIDs or NetIDs that past the basic test re entity 
> denotation.
> 1.
> 2.
> Examples of NetID-Profile docs, since they don't resolve to either 
> JSON-LD or RDF-Turtle docs:
> 1.
> 2.
> If I am writing a profile doc about myself I can extend my earlier 
> example as follows:
> ## Turtle Start ##
> @prefix schema: <> .
> @prefix foaf: <> .
> @prefix dcterms: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix like: <> .
> @prefix twitter: <> .
> @prefix linkedIn: <>.
> @prefix : <#> .
> ## About Profile Doc
> :doc
> a schema:WebPage;
> schema:title "A Personal Profile Document"@en ;
> schema:mainEntity :netid .
> ## About Me
> :netid
> a schema:Person ;
> schema:name "Kingsley Uyi Idehen"@en ;
> schema:description "A document about me"@en ;
> owl:sameAs linkedin:netid, twitter:netid ;
> schema:mainEntityOfpage :doc .
> ## Turtle End ##
> Fundamental point:
> We are looking the user journey differently.
> My approach is informed by the file create, save, and share pattern 
> that actually triggered the Web explosion via HTML.
Little correction, after looking at this post via a browser that 
includes our Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) extension:

## Turtle Start ##

@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix like: <> .
@prefix twitter: <> .
@prefix linkedIn: <>.
@prefix : <#> .

## About Profile Doc

a schema:WebPage;
schema:title "A Personal Profile Document"@en ;
schema:mainEntity :netid .

## About Me

a schema:Person ;
schema:name "Kingsley Uyi Idehen"@en ;
schema:description "A document about me"@en ;
owl:sameAs linkedIn:netid,twitter:netid  ; # changed linkedin:netid to linkedIn:netid
schema:mainEntityOfpage :doc .

## Turtle End ##


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Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2022 17:38:07 UTC