Re: Editing the WebID spec

> All that said -- Jacopo, your contributions are welcome,

Thank you, Ted!

> though they may not be accepted in full or even in part,
> as we work towards group consensus and ratification.

> person who builds such a refactoring in a single PR must be 
> prepared for the possibility that their suggested refactoring is 
> not acceptable by the CG, and so must be re-done in part or in 
> whole to achieve that consensus acceptance.

Yes, this is a significant risk indeed. I'll try and see where
that takes me. If I get burnt, I'll consider switching to smaller
PRs. I do appreciate the reality check.


Jacopo Scazzosi

> On 28 Feb 2022, at 17:59, Ted Thibodeau Jr <> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2022, at 11:32 AM, Henry Story <> wrote:
>> Please not that CSarven has helpfully put forward 3 PRs to the
>> repository recently,
>> Those are simple and easy to agree with. 
> I strongly prefer using GitHub Issues and PRs to trying to fake 
> those tools via the mailing list, from which we have long ago
> evolved.
> Side-by-side comparisons of changes are far easier to work with 
> than mental constructions of the same from DIFFs or similar 
> kludges in email messages.
>> I find it much easier to work on small incremental improvements,
>> rather than changes that risk putting everything into question. 
> It is definitely preferable to *generally* make small changes in
> each PR, wherever possible based on clear statements of the issue 
> being addressed.  A full scale refactoring of the current document
> should be discussed in some detail before it is applied -- or the
> person who builds such a refactoring in a single PR must be 
> prepared for the possibility that their suggested refactoring is 
> not acceptable by the CG, and so must be re-done in part or in 
> whole to achieve that consensus acceptance.
>> The current document has had 10 years of consensus,
> I strongly disagree with this framing of the current document.
> The WebID IG/XG/CG changed group styles a few times over those
> ten years, but has not really been active most of that time, 
> and the current document did not have group consensus when the
> group went quiet -- when the XG expired -- nor at any time since.  
> No matter how many threads went across the CG and other mailing 
> lists, there were no regular meetings held, and no evidence 
> gathered of this alleged "consensus", via mailing list or 
> otherwise.
> Had there been such regular calls or other conversations, it
> would have been clear that the current draft did *not* have
> consensus, even for a day, never mind the ten years you're
> claiming!
>> so it’s really
>> up to those seeking changes to make their case, and we’d like to make
>> sure we are moving consensus forward, not putting everything in question.
> It's up to *both* groups to make their case, IMNSHO, and
> those seeking changes have no less firm ground on which to 
> stand than those who seek to keep the document as it is.
> The latter have some inertia in their favor, but they have
> nothing like a consensus from the past group(s) who never
> published even a NOTE or REPORT, never mind a document that 
> progressed to CR, PR, or TR.
> All that said -- Jacopo, your contributions are welcome,
> though they may not be accepted in full or even in part,
> as we work towards group consensus and ratification.
> Be seeing you,
> Ted
> --
> A: Yes.                
> | Q: Are you sure?           
> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Monday, 28 February 2022 21:36:27 UTC