On Wed, 2 Feb 2022 at 16:31, Jacopo Scazzosi <jacopo@scazzosi.com> wrote:
> > I will wait a few days just in case someone more suited for the task
> decides
> > to take the mantle. If that doesn't happen, I guess it'll be time to try
> > something new!
> The silence is deafening... What am I getting into? :)
> All right. Does anyone have anything against me editing the spec? If not,
> I'll
> start getting in touch with previous editors and generally learn about how
> to be a good editor.
Hi Jacopo
Many thanks for volunteering as a spec Editor, it's something that would be
needed to move forward either the 1.0 Editor's Draft or a 2.x / v.next
I count 4 votes in favour and 0 against
Reaching out to previous editors is a good idea, though I am unsure they
are still active in this space
I think in general the job of an Editor is to reflect the consensus of the
WebID Community Group, which is responsible for this spec
Primarily consensus is achieved via the mailing list. At some point if
things pick up, we could perhaps go back to monthly telecons. Work item's
can be carried out in the github areas, but I'd suggest anything
substantive to go to the list, as not everyone follows github issues
I would suggest picking the least controversial items to start with. The
main one I see that the group has already agreed on is the inclusion of
JSON-LD. So I think turning that into some text would be a great goal.
> Best regards,
> Jacopo.