Typos, etc., in WebID document

This is a nice, concise little write-up of a basic principle.  Thanks 
for doing it!

I have one substantive comment.  At the beginning of section 4, I like 
the diagram, but I do not understand the "sense" arrow and do not see 
why it is needed at all.  AFAICT, there are *two* things being 
differentiated: the profile document versus TimBL (the person) -- not 
three.  So to my mind, the "sense" arrow only adds confusion.  Also, I 
do not understand the purpose of the stick-figure on the profile 
document.  There is no stick figure in the profile document, so I do not 
understand why the diagram shows one on it.  The diagram also shows a 
foaf:made link coming from the stick figure and pointing to the bottom 
of the profile card.  I don't understand what that is intended to mean, 
but TimBL's profile card does not even contain a foaf:made link, so that 
seems to be a mistake.

Aside from that, I noticed several editorial issues that I thought you 
might like to correct:

1. The "Latest editor's draft" link goes to
which has a "This version" link that is 404:

2. s/which/that/ in "A WebID is an HTTP URI which refers to an Agent"
See https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/01/that-versus-which.html

3. Change "that any Social Network user is familiar with" to "that would 
be familiar to any Social Network user".

4. Change "to link together their profiles in a public" to "to link 
their profiles in a public".

5. s/resource/resources/ in "by allowing access to resource"

6. s/such that/such as that/ in "such that he/she is known"

7. Change "A Server is a machine contactable at a domain name or IP 
address that hosts a number of globally accessible Services." to
"A Server is a machine, contactable at a domain name or IP address, that 
hosts globally accessible Services."

8. s/given/particular/g in "A Service is an agent listening for requests 
at a given IP address on a given Server"

9. s/which/that/ in "A WebID is a URI with an HTTP or HTTPS scheme which 
denotes an Agent"

10. s/which/that/ in "A WebID Profile is an RDF document which uniquely 

11. s/Alice/Bob/g in "Therefore, two URIs are needed, one for Alice and 
one for the homepage or a RDF document describing Alice"

12. Change "Which one to use depends on the situation, both have 
advantages" to
"Which one to use depends on the situation.  Both have advantages"

13. The sentence beginning "The WebID Profile gives the sense of the 
WebID:" seems to be attempting to define the word "sense", because it 
puts that word in italics.  I don't think that is necessary or helpful. 
I think it would be more readily understandable just to write (with no 
italics): "The WebID Profile defines the meaning of the WebID:"

14. s/another document/other documents/ in "contain relations to another 
document depicting"

15. s/RDFa/RDFa,/ in "even if it is not marked up in RDFa"

16. s/as well/as well as/ in "may contain public as well personal"


Received on Wednesday, 24 March 2021 14:09:40 UTC