Re: google proposing to deprecate KEYGEN

> On 30 Jul 2015, at 16:44, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:
> On 2015-07-30 16:32, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>> :(
> Since none of the big users of client-side PKI have ever bothered with this crap
> it won't be missed.   This signifies the (expected) end of WebID-TLS as well.

Not quite, as it depends on what happens in the TLS 3.0 group. But WebID-TLS can still
work very well for server to server communication. It seems that in any case that is what
is going to have to happen, as browser vendors seem to have lost their marbles somewhere
along the way from Netscape to here.


> Anders

Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2015 06:02:21 UTC