- From: Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 23:18:23 +0200
- To: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Cc: Sandro Hawke <sandro@w3.org>, "public-webid@w3.org" <public-webid@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKaEYhKSm6Wz6rUpq3PtV=LiY5BvUfJx+ymBgUn_Hy5kYtm_Rg@mail.gmail.com>
On 17 May 2014 22:30, Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com> wrote: > Timbl has referred to persona in past. > Do you have a pointer to this? > > The notion of multiple accounts is highly important, for security reasons > if nothing else. webID has been interpreted as an identity aggregation > strategy IMHO by some. The spec itself does not mandate that use-case. > > (Mind, I've debated the need for other ontological options before) > > Sent from my iPad > > > On 18 May 2014, at 1:57 am, Sandro Hawke <sandro@w3.org> wrote: > > > > Summary: Most people will be unwilling to give up the idea of having > multiple separate accounts. This calls into question the whole idea of > WebID. > > > > First off, as an aside, hello everyone. I was in the CG for its first > few weeks to help get things started, but then left when it looked like > things were well in hand, and I had many other W3C duties. Since then, > nearly all of my Working Groups (SPARQL, RDF, GLD, etc) have wrapped up, > and I'm mostly doing R&D, working with TimBL and Andrei Sambra. The work > we're doing needs something like WebID. > > > > That said, I have to raise a difficult issue. Maybe there's a simple > solution I'm just missing, but I fear there is not. > > > > The examples in the spec, and what I saw from Henry when he first > presented foaf+ssl, show the WebID denoting a person. In the examples, > it's often an instance of foaf:Person, and occurs in triples as the subject > where the predicate is foaf:name, foaf:knows, etc. Also in triples as the > object of foaf:knows. > > > > So that means that in RDF, my WebID denotes me. And if I have three > different WebIDs, they all denote me. Anything that's said in RDF using > one of my WebIDs is equally true to say using any of my other WebIDs, and a > reasoner might well infer it. That's how it looks like WebIDs are > supposed to work. > > > > This is in stark contrast to how most online identity systems work. The > usually model is that a person has an account with a particular service > provider. In the old days that might have been a bank, while these days > it might be some kind of "identity provider" like Google or Facebook. > There is important flexibility in this model. I have two Google > accounts, and my kids have many among themselves, so on the computers > around the house, there are many possible Google accounts saved as possible > logins. Behind the scenes, Google may or may not be correctly inferring > which humans are attached to each of these accounts, but as long it doesn't > get wrong which accounts can see adult content, or use my credit card, or > see/edit particular documents, that's okay. Those important features are > attached to accounts, not people, in systems today. > > > > FOAF makes this distinction quite clear, with classes foaf:Person and > foaf:OnlineAccount. FOAF, quite reasonably, puts relationships like > foaf:name and foaf:knows on foaf:Person. It's interesting to know my name > and who I know. It might also be interesting to see which of my accounts > are linked with other accounts, I suppose, although that's more complicated. > > > > I'm not sure exactly why people might have multiple accounts. Sometimes > an account is provided by an employer or school and goes along with lots of > resources, but also includes restrictions on use or limitations on privacy. > Sometimes an account is obtained with a particular service provider, and > then one no longer wants to do business with them. Sometimes security on an > account is compromised and a backup is needed. Sometimes one just wants > to separate parts of life, like work-vs-nonwork. I've asked a few friends > if they'd be willing to have exactly one computer account, and gotten an > emphatic "No!". > > > > So the my question might be, can WebID allow that separation? If > access control is granted by WebID (as I've always seen it done), and WebID > denotes a person (as I've always seen it), and the computer figures out > that multiple WebIDs denote the same person (as it's likely to do > eventually), then isn't it likely to grant the same access to me no matter > which of my WebIDs I'm using? Wouldn't that be the technically correct > thing for it to do? > > > > In summary: WebID is doing something quite radical in the identity space > by identifying humans instead of accounts. Are we sure that's a good > thing? It seems like in practice, humans interacting with service > providers want to have multiple distinguishable identities with separate > authentication. One might try to clean this up with some kind of > role-based access control [1], but that might not solve the issue that by > having WebIDs denote people, they prevent people from authenticating > differently to get different access/behavior. > > > > (It's true some identity providers, like Facebook, forbid a human from > having multiple accounts. But I think in response we see humans get their > additional accounts by using other providers.) > > > > The conclusion I'm tentatively coming to is that WebIDs should be 1-1 > associated with accounts, not people. As such, they'll be associated with > authentication, authorization, and profiles, as they are now. But the RDF > modelling will have to be different, with things like { <webid1> foaf:knows > <webid2> } being disallowed. > > > > If we're going to make a change like that, making the WebID one hop away > from Person, I'd suggest actually making it denote the account's profile > page, so that it can be a normal URL, denoting an Information Resource. > > > > -- Sandro > > > > [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control > > > >
Received on Saturday, 17 May 2014 21:18:52 UTC