Re: WebID lack of adoption, was Re: Turtle and JSON-LD Matter

On 7/18/14 8:19 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> They sure do!  Not just programmers, we use this all the time.
> "What is the connotation of that metaphorical image? But when you 
> understand a metaphor—you know, just high school grammar language—when 
> you interpret the metaphor in terms of the denotation instead of the 
> connotation, you’ve lost the message. That’s like going into a 
> restaurant and reading the menu and deciding what you’re going to eat, 
> and you eat that part of the menu. The menu is a reference to 
> something transcendent of that piece of paper."
> --Joseph Campbell


The issue is that most programmers hone their craft imperatively, and as 
a consequence the miss the point. This is why most programs don't 
actually work for end-user, especially when end-users are engaged [1].
> If you confuse connotation and denotation you're going to be in a 
> whole world of confusion.


>     When does a Java programmer, maybe working with SQL, ever think
>     "here are my customer identifiers" and "here are my customer
>     record identifiers"?


SQL programmers are always working with identifiers that denote Tables, 
Views, Store Procedures, Indexes, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys. In short, 
we even have a tool that shows how those identifiers are silo vectors 
while HTTP URIs are data de-silo-fication vectors [2][3][4].

>      Never.  They have identifiers which they sometimes treat as
>     identifying the customers and sometimes treat as identifying the
>     customer records.

They even make up their own keys, as a consequence of confusion and/or 
limitations of the SQL RDBMS product(s) they are locked into etc.


[1] -- 
effects of imperative programming that dominate app/service development 
[2] -- use 
username and pwd "vdb" to interact with this SQL and RDF hybrid client
[3] -- post about SQL Server data de-silo-fication
[4] -- post about Oracle data de-silo-fication .


Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 18 July 2014 12:58:37 UTC