Re: WebID lack of adoption, was Re: Turtle and JSON-LD Matter

On 7/17/14 3:19 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>> httpRange-14 (and the resulting HashURIs) is a huge, huge barrier.
>> httpRange-14 like many things that linger around RDF has more to do 
>> with mangled narratives.
>> Words and Terms are old concepts. Name->Address indirection is an old 
>> concept.
>> Denotation and Connotation are old concepts.
> But they never occur in normal, mainstream programming.

True, and that's one source of many problems. Basically, declarative vs 
imperative programming [1].

> When does a Java programmer, maybe working with SQL, ever think "here 
> are my customer identifiers" and "here are my customer record 
> identifiers"?    Never.  They have identifiers which they sometimes 
> treat as identifying the customers and sometimes treat as identifying 
> the customer records.
> If I read the WebID spec, it all goes pear shaped when we hit the 
> diagram at the beginning of section 4.
> Instead of requiring a big diagram full of terms from philosophy, the 
> relationship between a WebID and a person should be just this: a WebID 
> is a URL of a person's profile document, where the profile document 
> includes certain machine-readable information.
>> httpRange-14 is a horrible distraction. Much to really do about 
>> zilch. IMO.
> I see your advertized WebID is 
> ""
> To my eye, that's much too long and complicated.

The aesthetics of a WebID shouldn't matter. The HTTP URI should simply 
resolve to something useful, in the relevant usage context. In an HTML 
document, you won't even see 
<> . Thus, 
existing patterns for context menu interaction with anchors apply i.e., 
when require, you click or copy and paste said HTTP URI.

> I think we'd have much more success with WebIDs like: 


The aesthetics don't matter.
Idehen</a> is what will exist in an HTML document (which can be 
generated by the server).

Web have 50 Billion+ triples in the LOD cloud cache we maintain, the 
default interaction UI never displays raw HTTP URIs by default. It makes 
use of annotation property based relations such as rdfs:label, 
skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel etc..

> (Or maybe for branding purposes, but I lean 
> against that.)
> That would be understood to be short for

As per my comments above, this is the kind of premature optimization 
that leads to problems. Aesthetics aren't the issue, raw URI visibility 
is handled at a different level, by default <a/> in HTML.

> If we really, really have to have the identifier denote the agent 
> instead of the agent's profile document, then we should just always 
> append "#".

Yes, but again, that's all about aesthetics which isn't the big problem.

> Appending an arbitrary string like "#this" or "#me" or "#i" is 
> mindbogglingly bizarre to most coders, in my experience.
>>> The reliance on RDF details and FOAF details is a huge barrier. 
>> Yes, but we don't really need FOAF.
>> We don't need RDF notation specificity.
>> We need to bring life to the concept combined with the abstract 
>> language that is RDF.  Then we have an audience, because the 
>> distracting notation (so called "concrete syntaxes" ) specificity 
>> issues of yore get tossed aside.
>>> JSON-LD and a new vocabulary (not foaf) could address this.
>> Yes, we don't need FOAF specificity at all. There is nothing about a 
>> profile document that's unique to FOAF bar the fact that its 
>> existence provides read-to-use terms.
>>> I think to move forward will require forming a happy working 
>>> relationship with the kinds of folks who love h-card and maybe 
>>> Mozilla Persona. 
>> Yes!
>> That's achieved by reaching out style gestures. Simple example, give 
>> JSON-LD and Turtle equal billing. Demonstrate via examples how RDF 
>> statements can be constructed using a variety of notations:
>> 1. POSH -- for the Microformats folks
>> 2. "Link:" in HTTP -- for the HTTP folks
>> 3. JSON-LD -- for Javascript Application Developers
>> 4. HTML+Microdata -- for Web Publishers who are driven by Search 
>> Engine Vendor initiatives
>> 5. Turtle -- for Linked Open Data Developers and Users.
> As long as we're willing to accept that implementing a Relying-Party 
> is now much more complicated, I can live with this.

Perceived implementation complexity is a consequence of infrastructure 
components confusion. For instance, we now have Dropbox, Google Drive, 
OnDrives etc. offering storage services that offer at least 2GB of 
storage at $0.00. They all offer APIs too. Net effect, making Identity 
Cards today is much easier than it was a few years ago since storage and 
application level services are now loosely decoupled.

Folks can save HTML+POSH, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, HTML+Turtle, 
HTML+JSON-LD, Turtle, JSON-LD etc.. based content to documents are 
locations provides by the services mentioned above. Apache (or other 
HTTP server) configuration capability and costs are no longer part of 
the deal.

>>> That will probably require bending on all of the above.
>> Bend we must!
>>>   If that can be achieved, then there might be a chance for WebID.
>> Yes for WebID-* or specifically:
>> 1. WebID-Profile
>> 2. WebID-TLS
>> 3. WebID -- HTTP URI that denotes an Agent.
>>>> If LDP would have put JSON-LD and Turtle on equal standing, why 
>>>> can't this happen to WebID-* which hasn't even got anywhere close 
>>>> to the formal status of LDP?
>>> All I was arguing on that front was that there is value to getting 
>>> everyone to agree on one syntax or at least a very small number of 
>>> syntaxes.
>> But it doesn't work, as history has demonstrated. That quest is rife 
>> with bumps that ultimately generate adoption-inertia.
>>>   I was replying to people suggesting it's fine for WebID 
>>> dereference to return pretty much any syntax one wants, trying to 
>>> point out allowing such proliferation of syntaxes is actually a huge 
>>> problem.
>> I see this as document content constructed using a variety of 
>> notations. Anyway, Turtle and JSON-LD is always better than one or 
>> the other, at this point in time.
>>> I'm certainly NOT saying that by W3C procedure it's too late to 
>>> change!   (WebID isn't even to the point in W3C process where there 
>>> are any procedures, I suspect.)
>> Okay.
>> We agree.
>>>> I simply want adoption of these efforts. Thus, anything that leads 
>>>> to broader adoption is good. Basing any RDF based spec on a single 
>>>> notation via MUST always leads to the same adoption-inertia 
>>>> generating misconceptions.
>>> I don't happen to agree.   Or perhaps I don't understand.
>> Hopefully my responses above bring clarity in regard to the statement 
>> above.
> Not entirely, but probably enough for the current purposes.

>>> Maybe you can explain this adoption-inertia idea in terms of the 
>>> web's initial common image formats, GIF and JPEG? Things were very 
>>> simple in the days of only gif.   But gifs were too darn big, so we 
>>> needed jpeg.   Fortunately, browsers implemented support for both, 
>>> so content providers could pick which ever they wanted. There were 
>>> certainly other options (tiff? xbm? bmp?) but they were not widely 
>>> implemented in the browsers, so content providers didn't use 
>>> them.    (I was recently looking at a web page I made in about '93 
>>> where for each image I provided links to the jpeg and the gif, 
>>> because one still couldn't assume everyone could see both.)
>>> Things worked out fairly smoothly and fairly quickly because there 
>>> was a small number of browser providers.
>>> If there had been 1000 equal size browser vendors, and some went 
>>> with tiff and some xbm and some bmp, etc, we would have had a real 
>>> problem.
>>> I think with linked data clients, we're kind of still in that 
>>> territory.    Without some sense of which formats folks should 
>>> actually use, they could well become hopelessly fragmented, eg with 
>>> some people one reading and writing RDF/XML, some only 
>>> reading/writing Turtle, etc.
>>> Yes, eventually people will figure it out and coalesce around a 
>>> couple of the most common, but why not save that hassle when there's 
>>> consensus up front about which those are?
>>>> As per my response to Andrei, for now, adding JSON-LD examples to 
>>>> the relevant WebID-* documents is a useful tweak that will at the 
>>>> very least get more JSON oriented developers to look at WebID-*.
>>> I completely agree.    Personally, I'd be fine with giving JSON-LD 
>>> equal status to Turtle.
>> Yes, we agree.
>>> Actually, I think probably the best option is mandating publication 
>>> in JSON-LD and RDFa, in both cases with a syntax that hides the IRIs 
>>> as much as possible.
>> I wouldn't go over board re. hiding IRIs. They just need to be 
>> understood.
> More than understood, they need to be properly motivated.   Yes, 
> people are fine with IRIs, as long as they actually provide some real, 
> observable utility.   For example, an IRI for a JSON profile should be 
> fine as long is it dereferences to some good documentation.



[1] -- Imperative vs 
Declarative programming

[2] -- generates Identity Cards hosted on 
the likes of Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive etc.. (making them Identity 
Providers where Identity management is controlled by the user, not the 
storage service provider).


Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 18 July 2014 11:50:01 UTC