Turtle and JSON-LD Matter


Is there any reason why Turtle and JSON-LD cannot be on equal footing in 
regards to the WebID spec?

There's no reason why WebID-Profile documents MUST be comprised of RDF 
content in Turtle Notation.

Its crystal clear that we have two critical developer communities that 
coalesce around Turtle and JSON-LD  i.e., Semantic Web and Web 
Developers, respectively. Thus, its in the best interest of adoption for 
the WebID spec to treat Turtle and JSON-LD as different RDF notations 
for creating RDF document content e.g., WebID-Profile documents.

WebID-TLS implementers should be encouraged to support WebID-Profile 
documents comprised of Turtle or JSON-LD content. This is really 
important, at this point in time.


Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 14:19:55 UTC