- From: ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org>
- Date: Sat, 11 May 2013 09:48:40 +0000
- To: public-webid <public-webid@w3.org>
- Cc: hellekin (GNU/consensus) <hellekin@gnu.org>
dear GNU separatists ;) plan to hack on WebID ... mentioning mediawiki reminds me of one of Kingsley's great demos: http://kingsley.idehen.net/MediaWiki/?title=Special:VOILogin i'll post later on about some ideas how we can improve adoption in platforms based on Ruby on Rails... hellekin wrote long time ago relevant lib: https://github.com/hellekin/foafssl-ruby --- Begin forwarded message from hellekin (GNU/consensus) --- From: hellekin (GNU/consensus) <hellekin@gnu.org> To: consensus <consensus@gnu.org> Cc: maguirre <maguirre@matware.com.ar> Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 15:49:03 +0000 Subject: [GNU/consensus] Implementing WebID Dear list members, we're going to meet on IRC[0] this week-end to coordinate a hackathon to implement WebID authentication[1] in several applications such as Elgg, Joomla, Mediawiki, Wordpress, and whomever wants to join--the Ruby world already has it via the foafssl-ruby[2], and Python's Django via django-webid-auth[3]. Let's talk about when, and spread the word! == hk [0] http://www.gnu.org/consensus#contribute [1] http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebID_Protocol_Implementations [2] https://github.com/hellekin/foafssl-ruby (needs integration with the main rdf gem, and a release as gem--and an actual website ;o) [3] https://github.com/bennomadic/django-webid-auth (to add to [1]) --- End forwarded message ---
Received on Saturday, 11 May 2013 09:49:08 UTC