Fwd: gcaff - graphical key signing assistant

FYI: a graphical tool for growing a web of trust

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fraser Tweedale <frase@frase.id.au>
Date: 3 March 2013 08:07
Subject: gcaff - graphical key signing assistant
To: gnupg-users@gnupg.org

Hi users@,

I'd like to introduce you to the graphical key signing tool I have
written: gcaff (so named due to caff, the command line program that
inspired it).

Features include:

* display and sign photographic uids
* use multiple signing keys at once
* choose the certification level on a per-key basis
* email each signature separately, only to the associated email
  address (like caff)

To install: `pip install gcaff`

More information and source code: https://github.com/frasertweedale/gcaff

The program is very much in its infancy and has not been heavily
tested (I was intending to put it through its paces signing keys
from the linux.conf.au 2013 keysigning party, but I misplaced the
fingerprint list in the intervening weeks!)  Any testing would be
appreciated, along with general feedback, bug reports and patches.


Fraser Tweedale

Gnupg-users mailing list

Received on Sunday, 3 March 2013 10:59:09 UTC