Re: Adding a pointer to a WebID in a GPG pubkey

Quoting Olivier Berger (2013-08-27 22:36:07)
> Hi.
> A bit more details on second thought...
> Jonas Smedegaard <> writes:
> > Quoting Olivier Berger (2013-08-27 17:13:50)
> >> I've been discussing web of trust with Andrei and others, in the 
> >> context of the Debian project, which already relies a lot on the 
> >> GPG/OpenPGP web of trust.
> >> 
> >> So I've been wondering how to add a WebID pointer in a pubkey. 
> >> However, there doesn't seem to be some easily manageable way to add 
> >> RDF to a key (or at least I didn't discover it)... and I thought 
> >> that a QR code as a photo ID in the pubkey could be something to 
> >> test out.
> > [details snipped]
> >> Would this be an interesting step to promote WebID, by taking 
> >> adventage of the existing GPG web of trust ?
> >
> > I find it a bad approach: the Photo is meant for visual 
> > identification, not as storage container for whatever possible to 
> > serialize in a visual container.
> >
> Yes, that makes sense, of course, but on the other hand, the specs 
> (RFC 4880) mention :
>  5.12.1. The Image Attribute Subpacket
>    The Image Attribute subpacket is used to encode an image, 
>    presumably (but not required to be) that of the key owner.

The reason I find it a bad approach is not that it is forbidden or 
explicitly discouraged (I agree that it isn't), but because of the use 
of indirections.

Yes, you can use the oven to store marmelade and sugar.  That is not 
forbidden or explicitly discouraged, but still odd.

...but then again: this time you didn't ask for my opinion ;-)

> Btw, in principle, there could be other kinds of "user attributes" 
> ("5.12. User Attribute Packet) than the "image attribute" subpacket, 
> alhough the specs don't describe them.

I suggest asking Daniel Kahn Gillmore.  Both about his opinion on 
introducing a new subpacket, and about the status of his RFC6091.

I'd rather you do it than me, as I expect you to much better be able to 
summarize to him what really is the issue here.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 21:00:48 UTC