Re: Adding a pointer to a WebID in a GPG pubkey

Quoting Olivier Berger (2013-08-27 17:13:50)
> I've been discussing web of trust with Andrei and others, in the 
> context of the Debian project, which already relies a lot on the 
> GPG/OpenPGP web of trust.
> So I've been wondering how to add a WebID pointer in a pubkey. 
> However, there doesn't seem to be some easily manageable way to add 
> RDF to a key (or at least I didn't discover it)... and I thought that 
> a QR code as a photo ID in the pubkey could be something to test out.
[details snipped]
> Would this be an interesting step to promote WebID, by taking 
> adventage of the existing GPG web of trust ?

I find it a bad approach: the Photo is meant for visual identification, 
not as storage container for whatever possible to serialize in a visual 

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 16:23:30 UTC