Re: Domain of :key

On 4/1/13 3:15 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> We can add new relations. Just let us know what you want. I am not sure why you want to merge two relations. You have not explained this yet, nor have you given a full use case.
> As far as X509 goes if you look at it it is relating a DN and its subject alternative names to a public key.
> If you think of that semantically that can be modelled as
> <> a X509Cert;
>     foaf:primaryTopic<ldap://DN=....>  ;
> <ldap://DN=....>  owl:sameAs<https://my.domain.example/joe#me>;
>      cert:key [ a cert:RSAPublicKey;
>                 cert:modulus "...";
>                 cert:exponent "..." ] .

Why not:

<#hasKey> <#PublicKey> .
<#hasKey> <#PublicKey> .

a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, owl:ObjectProperty .

What's critical to WebID is the InverseFunctionalProperty relation 
semantics which help appreciate the optimal domain for <#hasKey> .

Conclusion: we need to cater for the fact that public keys can (and 
will) be associated with all sorts of things (owl:Thing entity types) 
for a plethora of reasons. Thus, it's best veer away from generic terms 
(and resulting intuitions) when the usage purpose is very specific.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Monday, 1 April 2013 19:46:08 UTC