Re: Perceived issues with TLS Client Auth

On 9/27/12 5:35 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:
>     1. Through TLS his server knows that I have the private key of the
>     public key in the certificate.
>     2. The verification of the WebID is then done by follwing the
>     procedure described here
> Right - so the steps you missed are where the WebID profile gets 
> updated to include the new key, and where <> 
> somehow (how?) decides that this WebID is allowed to log in...
Adding new relationships to profile documents is trivial. Each time you 
generate a new certificate simply add triples to the profile document 
reference by the WebID that watermarks the generated cert.

You can do this by hand i.e., mount you turtle document, edit, and save.

You can exploit a tool that does this for you.

I've demonstrated all of the above for a very long time. It just works.

The only challenge is getting folks to step back and grok what Linked 
Data enables. Once understood, the ingenuity and power of WebIDs becomes 
crystal clear. There is much more to the architecture of the Web than 
95% of its users exploit or understand. There's a reason why many of us 
are so passionate about this stuff :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Thursday, 27 September 2012 11:55:15 UTC