Re: Introduction to the WebID IG

Le 25/09/2012 11:32, Henry Story a écrit :
> On 25 Sep 2012, at 11:19, Antoine
> Zimmermann<>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've joined this group a month or so ago but did not introduce
>> myself. I am a researcher in computer science, working on the
>> Semantic Web since 2004. I've mostly worked on theoretical aspects
>> connected to knowledge representation but I am interested in the
>> applications in the area of Linked Data, Social Semantic Web,
>> recently privacy and access control.
> Welcome Antoine. For the rest of the group I met Antoine in Deri in
> Ireland and in Saint-Etienne. Antoine is also an expert cocktail
> maker, and I look forward to some WebID based application for
> organising fun parties :-)
>> I do not intend to contribute actively to this group, being mostly
>> an observer.
> It is pretty quiet on the whole. We are just looking for feedback on
> implementations at present.
>> I am also involved in the W3C RDF 1.1 WG, for which I will attend
>> the meetings at TPAC in Lyon. The meeting overlaps entirely with
>> the WebID meeting, but I'll attend the plenary too.  Maybe there
>> will be a chance to talk to some of you there.
> Yes if you - and everyone going to TPAC - can put your name down on
> the WebID and RWW session for the Wednesday Plenary that would be
> great.
> Yes. I wonder if we should pop over at some point to the RDF working
> group?

I currently have little knowledge of the details of WebID and so I don't
know where you have to look. But the RDF WG has published documents that
you can look at:

[1]  Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language. (Last Call Working Draft)
[2]  RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax. (Public Working Draft)
[3]  JSON-LD Syntax 1.0 - A Context-based JSON Serialization for Linking
[4]  JSON-LD API 1.0 - An Application Programming Interface for the
JSON-LD Syntax.

 > Perhaps the following issues have touched us
> - RDFa support in the spec? (rdfa in html)

Should RDF say something about this?  Currently, the only references to
RDFa are in RDF 1.1 Concepts, where it is said:

"An RDF document is a document that encodes an RDF graph in a concrete
RDF syntax, such as (...) RDFa (...)"


"RDF graphs embedded in non-RDF representations with mechanism such as 
RDFa [RDFA-PRIMER] should use fragment identifiers consistently with the 
semantics imposed by the host language. For example, if the fragment 
#chapter1 identifies a document section in an HTML+RDFa representation, 
then #chapter1 should be taken to denote that same section in any 
RDFa-encoded statements in the document."

> - xsd:hexBinary requiring more flexibility (spaces would be nice)

The way xsd:hexBinary is defined is not the responsibility of the RDF
WG. It's an XML thing.

It's highly improbable that XML will change this. You can either use 
xsd:string, providing all the flexibility that you want, or be bold and 
define your own datatype, either in a human readable document (e.g., the 
WebID spec) or using the OWL 2 custom datatype definition feature, like 

  webid:hexBinary  a  rdfs:Datatype;
      owl:equivalentClass  [
         a  rdfs:Datatype;
         owl:onDatatype  xsd:string;
         owl:withRestrictions ( [ xsd:pattern "([ 0-9a-fA-F])+" ] )
      ] .

> - ? Do you see other themes that could be useful for us to come
> together?

I'd have to look more closely at WebID but what I'm mostly interested in
in the RDF WG is semantics. Especially, we are discussing the semantics
of "named graphs" and "RDF Datasets" (two notions normalised by SPARQL)
and I'm not sure if it has an impact on WebID, but it can have an impact 
on future development of privacy preserving RDF-based systems.


> Henry
>> Best -- Antoine Zimmermann ISCOD / LSTI - Institut Henri Fayol
>> École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne 158 cours
>> Fauriel 42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2 France Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03
>> Fax:+33(0)4 77 42 66 66
> Social Web Architect

Antoine Zimmermann
ISCOD / LSTI - Institut Henri Fayol
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03
Fax:+33(0)4 77 42 66 66

Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2012 10:19:00 UTC