Re: [saag] Liking Linkability

On 10/19/12 2:21 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:
>>>>>> "Kingsley" == Kingsley Idehen <> writes:
>      Kingsley> Does "Data Access Policy" work any better so that we stop
>      Kingsley> being distracted by something with different means to the
>      Kingsley> participants in this debate.
>      Kingsley> Can a data access policy deliver unlinkability ?
> Absolutely not.  I think you're talking past each other, but the data
> access policy on the accessed resource cannot deliver unlinkability in
> the sense that I and I think Ben are using.


>   The data access policy on a
> centrally stored credential may be part of delivering unlinkability with
> regard to certain parties in some security schemes.

I am lost. Why do credentials have to be centrally stored?

I don't believe in centralization of anything when dealing with privacy 
via verifiable identity. I don't think we are talking past one another, 
I think we have differing view points with regards to network topology 
and the implications on verifiable identity in a social context.

> If you believe that data access policies are part of unlinkability, then
> I'd suggest starting to see if we're talking about the same definition
> of unlinkability.

I am sure you could spell this out with some additional clarity if my 
position outlined above remains unclear.

I see privacy as self-calibration of one's vulnerability, in any realm.

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Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Friday, 19 October 2012 18:40:32 UTC