
>> (1) I think solves the unlinkability problem
> Can you explain what the unlinkeability problem is? Or for who it is a problem?
> 4.  Unlinkability
>    Definition:  Unlinkability of two or more Items Of Interest (e.g.,
>       subjects, messages, actions, ...) from an attacker's perspective
>       means that within a particular set of information, the attacker
>       cannot distinguish whether these IOIs are related or not (with a
>       high enough degree of probability to be useful).
> This is something Harry brought up.

Can you explain why it is problematic. It is not because he brought it up
that it is problematic right? Or is he someone who sets the standards
of what is or is not problematic? Through what authority?


Social Web Architect

Received on Saturday, 6 October 2012 09:26:24 UTC